Ready to fix a trouble spot on your body? (No mental or emotional work today) Don't we all have issues with our stomachs. Not tight enough, small enough or firm enough. Here's a little anatomy, and an exercise to help.
Your abs are made up of 5 main muscles. The ones front and center that make up the ever elusive six pack, obliques on the sides, and covering them all top to bottom are the transverse abs. The Transverse Abs are responsible for holding you stomach in flat when you are standing, sitting, and exercising. Want the illusion of a smaller waist line? Want tucking in your tummy to be second nature? Lets work those transverse abs.
The BEST exercise for transverse abs is plank work. Really, and truly, work on planks and your stomach will be less poochy. Here is how to do a plank.
When you're ready for a challenge check out my post with CRAZY planks:
Advanced Plank Work I, Advanced Plank Work II
We may not be fitness models, but we can be
strong and awesome and AMAZING!
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